Friday, June 24, 2011

Week 1 (Missing Hubby)

Okay, I must admit I miss my hubby so much!!! We are not used to not being able to talk to one another or once a day. I've cried this week, yes like a big ole' baby, but it made me feel better. This is truly a learning experience for me and I would love to share my journey with other spouses. We've been Air Force strong for SEVEN years and this is our first career change. One thing I had to learn QUICK this week is that tech school is challenging as well as becoming a recruiter. Below I've listed what to expect and ways to cope with the process AND how you can support your spouse while he/she is away.

Tech School:
*Consist of LONG hours with study groups
*Cellular devices are not allowed in the classroom
*Lunch hour can turn into "study" hour

There will be some days/nights you won't get to sit and chat with your spouse. Sometimes it's hello, I'm tired, talk to you later. So please ensure you're very understanding in this area.

DOs and DON'Ts:

*Encourage your spouse if you're able to talk on the phone. If not send he/she a nice email or text message (I promise this helps soooo much).
*Pray for your spouse and intercede on their behalf.

*Nag your spouse with phone calls, text messages, etc about things that do not matter. (MAJOR DISTRACTION)
*Fuss and complain when your spouse is able to call. Embrace the time you do have and keep them encouraged.
*Expect your spouse to be "peaches and cream" every time you speak. Remember they are under serious pressure.
*Bring the DRAMA to your spouse. If you are able to handle things at home, then please keep the negative information to a minimum. **If it's a need to know situation, then please inform your spouse.

*Ensure you keep yourselves busy while your spouse is away at tech school. They are trusting in you to hold the fort down while away.
*Seek assistance if you have children and you're feeling overwhelmed.
*Start a blog to help other spouses in this career field.

I hope this will be a great help to someone seeking information about life as an Air Force Recruiting Wife (or husband).


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